Sunday, March 12, 2017



Where tortured atoms writhe beneath the scalpel
of our investigations, I see her coming,
branches of flowering pity in her arms,
healing the day with glances. And the atoms
fall down to kiss her feet, and are made whole.

I hear the clash of prophecies converging
on the faint stir of Life beneath her heart
down our loud boulevards, I see her coming.
lift up your heads! Blow all your factory whistles!
and point the hour on your telechrons!

Not to Ain Karim.* To the laboratories
where astronauts sit trim in new space jackets,
I see her coming, space held in one hand,
her smile forgiving all the bright moon-rockets
their errors, with the moon beneath her feet.

Girl of Isaias' vision, could he see you
carry your Son into our plastic jungles
and cure our tuneless music with your singing?
Hour Isaias never dreamed is striking;
under the neon lights, I see her coming!

Lift up your heads! You tall TV antennae,
lean down and prostrate for her coming! Jet planes,
hum the glad antiphons of our redemption.
Once over hills, now through the chromium maze,
the young girl light with Child shall come and save us.

Mother M Francis PCC
Spirit. 1962-1963
Used with permission

*Traditionally the home town of Mary's cousin Elizabeth.

From 'A Silence full of bells'

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