Saturday, April 19, 2014


Mary of Nazareth stood under Jesus' Cross
Mary of Nazareth stood under Jesus' Cross until He took His last breath.
She had conceived Him, borne Him, protected Him, fed Him, nurtured Him, loved Him.
Now, as His Mother, She stood by Him as He was executed.
Mary stood by Jesus until the end, and gave us a Saviour and a King Who will reign for ever.
We draw strength
As the Easter Weekend draws on, we draw strength from the knowledge that Jesus Christ rose from the dead. And so shall we. All our illness, ageing problems, loss of loved ones and friends through death - these will all be behind us forever when we live, risen and immortal, in eternal life. 

What a wonder Jesus Christ, the Son of God, has done for us. 

How ably He reunited us with our God, with whom our forefathers had committed irreparable breach of relationship. How strongly and sternly He dealt with Satan, who had led our forefathers astray. How lovingly He reaches out to us, His human brothers and sisters on earth. 

May the Name of the Lord Jesus be praised, both now and forever.

Have a wonderful Easter.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Marian Apparitions - Wonderful Resource

Want to know more about Marian Apparitions? Wonderful Resource can be found at The Miracle Hunter

*With thanks to
*Photograph by Lumiere Charity Volunteer Britain, used with permission