Sunday, March 19, 2017



The angel of the Lord declared unto Mary
that the Creator of heaven and earth
uncontainable in creation
bethought to enfold Himself now in a lily-flower,
the angel of the Lord avowed unto Mary
that God had fallen enraptured
on seeing immaculateness
and desired to encase Himself in it.

And she conceived by the Holy Ghost
the Inconceivable.
She composed by the Holy Ghost
Love's unutterable rhapsody.
Mary wove on the ghostly loom
the seamless robe of salvation.

And behold! The handmaid of the Lord
being handmaid, cannot retrench her pledge*
though her dream of being serving maid
to the elect beyond all others
is thrown into unspeakable juxtaposition.
The handmaid of the Lord
must wait on His will
even if it declares her blessed to all generations.

So it was done unto Mary by the Word
Gabriel caught from the lips of God.
By the Word generated in the bosom of the Father,
proceeding into very life and love,
it was done unto the handmaid of the Lord.

And the Word was made flesh in that moment
from which all other moments take their place
as being before or after,
the Word was made son of a virgin,
Flesh of her lily-flesh,
God was a quick pulsing under the maiden's heart.

And he dwelt among us in that initial moment,
the beginning of redemption in a city of Galilee.
There would be shouting throngs
at redemption's culmination,
protesting, sorrowing men at its ascendant sequel,
tongues of fire and rushing wind
at its paracletic achievement.
But now was redemption's beginning, silent, serene,
Secret of archangel and a girl.

Mother M Francis PCC
Marian Library Collection. Used with permission

*The angel of the Lord (declared unto Mary)
*Luke 1:38

From 'A Silence full of bells'

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