Thursday, March 2, 2017

PRESENTATION (Thought for November 21)

(Thought for November 21)

"She is such a tiny thing -"
began her father, Joachim.
"The neighbours say she's growing tall,"
Anne contradicted him.

"I'm finishing a chair for her,"
his voice more strongly pled.
"We'll give it to our nephew's wife
with Mary's little bed."

"Her eyes are like twin pools of blue,
her hair a sea of curls."
"What grace! Our only child to be
one of the temple girls."

"But it's so far and we are old,"
his voice broke at the word,
and Anne turned suddenly away
as if she hadn't heard.

Sister M Catherine OSU
Catholic Home Journal. Undated
*According to Catholic tradition, the Blessed Virgin was dedicated to God by her parents, Anne and Joachim, and sent to the Temple, in accordance with a pious Jewish religious custom, when she was but three years old. The feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin is celebrated on 21 November.

From 'A Silence full of bells'

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